Reverse Dumbbell Lunge @ up to 90 x 5, 50 x 20 Incline Fly @ up to 60 x 8 One Arm Hammer Row @ up…
Go Polymath! is the official BLOG of aspiring polymath Thomas Faustin Huisking.
Reverse Dumbbell Lunge @ up to 90 x 5, 50 x 20 Incline Fly @ up to 60 x 8 One Arm Hammer Row @ up…
Reverse Chest Supported Row (w/ pause) @ up to 115 x 5 x 5 Seated Lateral Raise @ 20 x 5 x 10 Sternum Pulldowns…
Reverse DB Lunge @ up to 70 x 3 x 8 Inc. Bench @ up to 175 x 3 x 8 (paused) Neutral Pulldowns @ 150…
Wednesday Chest Supported Row @ up to 115 x 3 x 5 Paused Inc. Bench @ up to 185 x 5 x 5 One Arm…
DB Reverse Lunge @ 70 x 5, 75 x 5, 85 x 5 x 5 Behind the Neck Press @ 95 x 5, 105 x…